Bridging the Social Distance
Bridging the Social Distance
150 - Jean Birkett (The Village of Riverside Glen)

150 - Jean Birkett (The Village of Riverside Glen)

For this episode I interview Jean Birkett, a resident at The Village of Riverside Glen. Jean is 98, lived through the depression, WWII, and even a positive Covid diagnosis during this pandemic. Her father was a prisoner in a Prisoner of War Camp in WWI, and was a guard at one in WWII, and a subsequent illness brought the family to Toronto from Timmins when her father lost his knee. Jean gives us a glimpse into Toronto in these war and post-war years, working at General Electric and Random House, and while this history hasn't always been easy, throughout the loss and hardship she's experienced she understands the role that overcoming hurdles and learning from mistakes has in shaping us, and has felt incredibly supported by her family. She is looking forward to more day trips out into the sunshine, and the arrival of her new teeth so she can finally enjoy hamburger. Thank you Jean for sharing your story!

This interview was originally recorded on June 17th 2021

Bridging the Social Distance
Bridging the Social Distance
A show that aims to give a platform for sharing ideas, perspectives and feelings in the wake of the Global COVID-19 pandemic. Interviews will feature local Guelphites as well as people living elsewhere around the world.